Tuesday, October 19

A new story

I have finally started writing again and I am happy to say that it is NOT more poerty. I love poems. I love emotions on paper. I love metaphors and double meanings. I love making things up to express what my heart feels and disguising it in a rhyme scheme. But I need something more than that. I'm writing a story. Making everything up as i go along. I have no idea what its about, who is in it, or what happens. All of these things will be discovered as I write them. I have a bit more than a page typed up on my computer, but since I know that I'll be editing and revising many things over and over, I will only share what I have down so far in paragraph increments. Here's the first one. "It's Raining again. Most days I like the rain but today......*sigh*, today is just one of those days when I'm angry at myself for getting out of bed". These are the thoughts that ramble about in Caitlynn's mind as she waits for her 6:18 bus to work. A jod that she not only detests but can't seem to find a way out of. Sitting behind a desk, answering an ever-ringing phone, taking messages and filing papers for endless hours on top of running errands in cheap shoes is enough to make anyone want to quit. Not to mention the fact that her employer is a total pig and makes vulgar remarks about anything with legs and breasts. Its 6:27 and the bus is nowhere in sight. Two inch heels and a pencil skirt were maybe no the best choice in attire for a day like this. Large blobs of rain fall heavy onto the pavement, exploding and splashing up Caitlynn's pale legs. Her hair begins to slightly frizz from the moisture in the air and, of course, she forgot her umbrella at home. The air is the rain coming down sideways with no signs of letting up. What a horrible first day of the workweek.
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