Wednesday, March 3

Moon Rising part 2

and she sees herself
her name is Luna
and she says "Hello"
with no reply she turns to face her friend
the willow tree
who in turns brushes the side of her face with its branches
the river's flow begins to slow
after some time, it stops
it wasn't until dawn when she saw that the river was nearly dry
the crickets when to bed
the moon has left
the flowers in full bloom
but their smell is dull
almost rotten
she touches the willow tree
there is no pulse
the leaves turn color
and drift away in the wind
clouds cover the sky
blocking out the light from the sun
the grass wilts
her world is dying before her
she takes a small piece of bark from her nearly dead friend
and gently glides it across her wrist
she sits with her back to the trunk
and digs a small hole in the ground
she finds a root
and spills her blood
the sky turns blue
the river flows
the flowers are sweet
the tree is strong
and she
as the willow gently brushes the side of her face
and it says