Wednesday, March 3


Speaking to you, has my mind intrigued
The mysteries, slowly unraveled...kinda hard to believe
All this time....amazing...hidden from my plain sight
Words you spoke like switches, flipping on my minds light
Usually not one to buckle, not one to believe the hype
Yet the sincerity in your tone, so relieving, felt so right
So open I became, easy,cause you spoke to my very soul
And though simplistic in it's nature, it's depth was an ocean,whole
Sharing felt so easy, like I was meant to share with you
Like this moment was written previously, forseen, like de ja vu
Greatful to have gotten the chance, hope I wasn't to strange
Or way beyond the normal scope, of questions within it's range

As u spoke I pondered thoughts, I probably shouldn't have
I pondered deep and intimate, mind wandered really into it
Pick you up, take you to a place you've never been
Return you safe, awake and take you somewhere new again
Find out what you like, and cherish it like it was gold
Treat you like a queen, mind, body and soul 
Give you what you ask, what you want and what you need
Help you chase your dreams, or simply help you plant the seed
Provide and care, show you how real love can be
How two adults can succeed, in life so happily....


I know that's not where I am, or will probably ever be
Just the talk itself, in a way, reavealed so much to me
So I sit and write, hope that we talk again at some point soon
And hope interest in finding out more of one another does ensue....